Tag Archives: Southern Living Pam-Cakes

PAM Pancakes And James Gregory the Comedian

Today I am going to talk about food and pancakes.  First of all, I wanted to share a memory from New Year’s Eve 2015.  James Gregory is a comedian that lives in the Atlanta area.  He is someone Mr. D has always wanted to see and he was going to be in Hickory on New Year’s Eve.  When Mr. D was debating upon whether we should go or not, I asked him, “If not now, when?”  We celebrated New Year’s Eve with James Gregory.  I would say he is in his 60’s and his humor would be something that people in my age group would enjoy more than the younger generation.  We laughed a lot and I truly enjoyed the show.

One thing that hit me like a lightning bolt was his observation about the continuing change in the climate and attitude of the people here in the USA.  He said all of the anger and frustration started when we lost our joy for food.  Now, we analyze everything and blame restaurants or food manufacturers for so many of our frustrations.  He related how we have the power to not purchase anything that might effect our health.  I have been doing that for 15 years as it has been that long since Mr. D was diagnosed with diabetes.  He also talked about how we have changed our ailments into diseases.

That made me think and I remembered how happy my Mother and Daddy was so happy to bring home groceries every week.  They were depression kids and I am sure they did without a lot of different foods growing up.  They were excited, happy and pleased to bring home food and be able to feed their family.  I think of my grandmother and her excitement over a new product she found in the grocery store that was convenient.  I am sure growing up on a farm in South Carolina there wasn’t many convenient foods to prepare.

So, I came away from seeing James Gregory thinking that maybe there was some truth in his humor.  I want to share the joy of southern cooking and living with you in this blog.  I can’t change this blog into a healthy blog even though I try to prepare healthy meals.  I can only share with you the foods I am passionate about.


The recipe I am sharing with you today is from the Southern Living Magazine, November 2015 issue.  The pancakes look lite and fluffy and a little crispy around the edge.  They remind me of Cracker Barrel pancakes and which are my all time favorite pancakes.  This recipe was developed by Southern Livings Test Kitchen’s Pam Lolley. They named then in honor of Pam and thus they are Pam-Cakes. This is definitely going into my “Things I must make” recipe file.  As Mr. D and I spend quiet Saturday mornings at home during the winter season, I may surprise him soon with these wonderful pancakes for breakfast.  No guilt in doing that as we always go to the gym after eating breakfast.  HaHa!!

I am thankful for comedians that make us laugh out loud and at the same time helps us to understand the many changes that occur in our lives. I hope you are enJOYing your food and thanks so much for stopping by.